Drug Rehab Programs using Behavioral Modification.
Second there is the Behavioral Modification Method. Behavioral Modification was developed to work on the A Social Personality, or a person who was self centered. This method relies on boot camp style tactics where the individual is berated by groups of peers and then hopefully rebuilt into a more social person. There has been some use for this method with young teenagers who are on a warpath to destroy society. However the success is only very marginally about 10%, in most cases other methods are recommended. Due to that reason very few drug rehab centers use this method.
Drug Rehab Programs using Long Term Religious method.
Third is the long term religious based model of treatment. In this methodology the individual is required to go away for 1 - 2 years, and work on a farm. Example: Farming. This method is also combined with a heavy religious aspect of prayer, and bible study. The success rate is hard to determine as only about 10% of people will make it to the full completion of this method, however of those completing it will be around 20% who stay clean form hard drugs. Due to the long term it is usually not available to most addicts, and waiting lists are long.
Drug Rehab Programs using Bio- Physical modality.
Drug Addiction Treatment Drug Rehab Centers
The Downward Spiral of drug addiction and alcoholism
Drug Addiction Treatment Rehab Centers Rehabilitation Programs
Never give up
Drug addiction & alcoholism are afflictions. The drug addict has most likely deeply hurt the family. Lying, cheating, job loss, violence, even criminal behaviors are all symptoms of the addictive behavior. If these were the symptoms of cancer would you give up? Of course not, you would try other treatments. You would go to the end of the earth to find something to save your loved one's life. If you have a chronic relapse victim in your life you are in the same position as a terminal cancer patient's family if not effectively treated. The drug addict or alcoholic will die or end up in prison. Unfortunately drug addiction is viewed all too often in light of lack of will power or the drug addict just wants to get high and doesn't care about his family. This could not be farther from the truth.
Drug Rehab - Never giving up should not be confused with enabling on the part of the family. The enabling behavior is destructive and must be stopped immediately upon identifying the active drug addict or alcoholic. The family must provide drug addiction treatment options only.
Never give up
Drug addiction & alcoholism are afflictions. The drug addict has most likely deeply hurt the family. Lying, cheating, job loss, violence, even criminal behaviors are all symptoms of the addictive behavior. If these were the symptoms of cancer would you give up? Of course not, you would try other treatments. You would go to the end of the earth to find something to save your loved one's life. If you have a chronic relapse victim in your life you are in the same position as a terminal cancer patient's family if not effectively treated. The drug addict or alcoholic will die or end up in prison. Unfortunately drug addiction is viewed all too often in light of lack of will power or the drug addict just wants to get high and doesn't care about his family. This could not be farther from the truth.
Drug Rehab - Never giving up should not be confused with enabling on the part of the family. The enabling behavior is destructive and must be stopped immediately upon identifying the active drug addict or alcoholic. The family must provide drug addiction treatment options only.
Drug Addiction Treatment
Rehab Centers that Work Drug Rehabilitation
Relapse and Chronic Relapse, Is Recovery possible?
Drug Rehab - Yes recovery is possible, In fact Relapse is not part of recovery. Relapse is a symptom of ineffective treatment programs. Statistically 75%-90% of all alcoholics or drug addicts will relapse within the first year of release from traditional treatment programs. The short term 28 day inpatient Drug Rehabilitation model or outpatient drug rehab centers have in the past demonstrated these failure rates.
Addicts and alcoholics usually do work the programs they are taught and do give their best efforts. Unfortunately many drug addicts fail. You hear from the professionals "he didn't work the program" or "he's not ready, he hasn't hit his bottom". In fact the program has failed the drug addict and their family.
Drug rehab - relapse is a heart breaking event for a family it can in fact be the breaking point. All too often relapse is where the family takes a hard line and tells the addict to "do it on their own" or "we can't help you anymore". This is the time families are needed most. There are other drug rehab options such as drug rehab programs that have higher success rates or that offer "peace of mind" guarantees to families. This is the time for long term effective care that will treat the bio-physical drug cravings and the underlying emotional pain, the root of the drug addiction. Typically a 3-5 month residential drug rehab program with 4-6 months of follow-up aftercare is the recommended drug addiction treatment method, for most hard-core drug addiction.
Aftercare and Follow up by
Drug Addiction Treatment Rehab Centers
Drug Rehabilitation Aftercare and "Peace of Mind" Guarantees
Some facilities offer "peace of mind" to the families sponsoring a loved one through drug treatment. Many addicts have tried and failed various drug treatment methods only to relapse, sometimes quickly after release. This can be a frustrating and heartbreaking experience to a family that just shouldered the burden of drug rehab treatment. There are a few long term private care facilities that do offer "peace of mind" guarantees. Simply stated once the addict has successfully completed the program should they falter or relapse within the first six months of release they are eligible for re-admittance with only the room and board to be covered. This can be of great value to families and drug addicts who have relapsed after completing drug rehab centersbefore.
At some facilities a long term aftercare is suggested, some even offer this in the form of a "work exchange" program. Which is available to those who feel that intensive aftercare treatment is the best option. Once the drug addict has successfully completed the program and based on their performance during drug treatment they are eligible to apply to stay another six months. During this time they will help other drug rehab addicts achieve what they have found in sobriety in exchange for a nominal salary, room and board, and aftercare treatment in a supportive environment.
These value added services are only available at a limited few drug rehab facilities and have proven to be invaluable to families and drug addicts.
Drug Addiction Treatment Rehab Centers
Drug Rehabilitation Aftercare and "Peace of Mind" Guarantees
Some facilities offer "peace of mind" to the families sponsoring a loved one through drug treatment. Many addicts have tried and failed various drug treatment methods only to relapse, sometimes quickly after release. This can be a frustrating and heartbreaking experience to a family that just shouldered the burden of drug rehab treatment. There are a few long term private care facilities that do offer "peace of mind" guarantees. Simply stated once the addict has successfully completed the program should they falter or relapse within the first six months of release they are eligible for re-admittance with only the room and board to be covered. This can be of great value to families and drug addicts who have relapsed after completing drug rehab centersbefore.
At some facilities a long term aftercare is suggested, some even offer this in the form of a "work exchange" program. Which is available to those who feel that intensive aftercare treatment is the best option. Once the drug addict has successfully completed the program and based on their performance during drug treatment they are eligible to apply to stay another six months. During this time they will help other drug rehab addicts achieve what they have found in sobriety in exchange for a nominal salary, room and board, and aftercare treatment in a supportive environment.
These value added services are only available at a limited few drug rehab facilities and have proven to be invaluable to families and drug addicts.
There are many treatment programs for drug and alcohol addiction. While several are acceptable and may do some good, a number of them do not have your best interest as their guiding principle. Some are backed by organizations with ulterior motives, often driven more by profit than integrity; they use questionable practices, make false claims, and, ultimately, will not help you (or your loved one) achieve a sustainable recovery. They are better at marketing than they are at treatment.